Mission and Vision - Mission: The mission of ELECTRÓNICA SIMEL, SL is to carry out our activities by continuously improving quality and placing ourselves one step ahead of customer expectations. - Vision: The future of our company will be assured through our commitment to quality, our approach to customer service, as well as the qualification and involvement of our employees. Strategic commitments and values. The effort to satisfy the customer, to earn their trust, and to provide a quality service to the customer's needs, from a close proximity, will be the focus of everything we do. Only in this way will we foster stable and long-lasting relationships with current customers and gain new ones. Always maintain fluid communication with the customer to meet their needs, requirements and expectations. Train our professionals so that they acquire knowledge and skills that allow them to carry out their functions in an effective and responsible manner. The fundamental basis of our company's strength lies in its employees, to whom we will always provide a work environment that facilitates their motivation, involvement, competence and pride in their contribution to the work carried out, as well as safe and healthy working conditions. Adopt new technologies whenever they are economically viable. Promote responsibility and sensitivity regarding continuous quality improvement at all times. Guarantee the economic efficiency of the company in the face of the high level of market competition. Operational Values. We will support, assist and also develop an organisation that: • Is focused on continuous improvement • Is aimed at meeting customer expectations and complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements • Is based on teamwork • Communicates openly and encourages responses • Ensures adequate training • Offers a safe work environment • Encourages initiative, innovation and creativity • Recognises individual and team achievements • Is socially committed and transparent regarding the company's activities To achieve this, we will establish the indicators corresponding to each of the measurable parameters to which we will assign values that will constitute our quality objectives for the period set, and progressively more ambitious. Quality objectives that will accompany this declaration and that will be jointly reviewed at predetermined periods. The relations of our company, with our employees, suppliers and customers, will be honest, objective and upright, always recognising the dignity of the person. We admit that these are the shared values within the company ELECTRÓNICA SIMEL, SL